I have witnessed first hand a clear picture of the decline in morality that is around us everyday. It’s my guess that a good percentage of folks do not even examine their morals before taking action on decisions in their lives. Just recently I have experienced teenagers and twenty-somethings being positively reinforced for the lack of examining their morals before making life-altering decisions. Unfortunately, many of those teenagers and twenty-somethings are being taught their immorality by watching the adults in their lives.

What are we pretending not to know? Somehow I believe that people truly believe that they are going to escape the consequences of immorality. That they are bullet-proof to the gun of life! We believe we are entitled to happiness and peace yet are not willing to put forth the obedience to get there. Our microwave society that screams I want it and I want it now lacks the patience to do what it takes to create the happiness and the peace desired. This moral way of life is not popular, it doesn’t look like our wordly view of fun, but it sustains life storms without fail.

When we are clear with our morals and our values, the everyday decisions of life become much easier to make. I challenge you to be weird this week! Examine and obey your morals and claim the victory that is waiting for you!